“Yeah, its a pretty church…

but what happens inside those red doors?”

what is happening now!


Traditional Liturgy AND Progressive Theology

  • You are welcome here

    Guest, friend, visitor, seeker, “cradle”, convert, sceptic, singer, prayer, history geek, artist, conservative, liberal, gay, straight, non-binary, black, brown, non-white, married, single, divorced, Star Trek, Star Wars, Pepsi, Coke, Broncos, Chiefs, KU, KState, KW, dog lover, cat lover, all of the above or none of the above… come on in and sit down - there is a place for you here.

  • You can take communion

    We believe that the bread and wine offered at the altar are the gifts of God and that they are meant for all of God’s people.

    In the Episcopal tradition, we believe the inward and spiritual grace in the eucharist is “the Body and Blood of Christ given to his people and received by faith” (BCP, p. 859).

  • You can come to Sunday School

    Grade school aged children are welcome to gather at the door of the church and join in Sunday School immediately following the service. Led by two adults in compliance with safety standards, the classes take place in a classroom in the Administration building (across the courtyard from the church) for 35-45 minutes, while the adults are in Coffee Hour. The kids are returned to their families in the parish hall. Call or email for more information.

  • You can come to book groups and bible studies

    Thursdays at 12:30 in the Library (next to the Coffee Hour room): a look at the scripture we will hear on the following Sunday.

    Fridays at 11AM in the Library (next to the Coffee Hour room): A deep dive into St. Paul’s letter to the Romans.

    Other Classes occur seasonally or when there is interest.

    ALL CLASSES ARE NO-PREP/NO HOMEWORK, we will even provide you with a Bible if you want!

  • You can join groups and committees

    Altar Guild

    Episcopal Church Women

    Daughters of the King


    Men’s Group …

    and more….

  • You can be married here

    In order to be married in the Episcopal Church, both parties must be free to marry, one of the two parties being married must be baptized, the couple must meet with the clergy, be evaluated by a marriage counselor or using the Prepare/Enrich program. There are a few more guidelines and structures, but gender is not one: the Episcopal Church in Salina sanctions and performs same-sex weddings.

  • You can explore your vocation here

    Whether you are new to Christianity, to Protestantism or the Episcopal Church.

    Or discerning how God is at work in your life.

    Or feeling a distance from your faith,

    Or a call to ordained leadership….

    Come in and explore and let’s have a conversation. We are here for you.

Every Other Day of the Week

  • Rabbit Holy Bible Study

    Thursdays at 12:30 in the Parish Library

    Not linear, not reverent, not boring …

    No homework, no expectations …

    and there is usually a dog there.

    Come try it out.

  • Episcopal Church Women

    Monthly activities and outings, retreats and service projects, and fellowship GALORE.

  • Men's Breakfast

    Every Third Tuesday at Bayards at 7:30AM

  • Morning Prayer

    Wednesdays at 9AM in the Sanctuary of the church, please join us for 35 minutes of prayer to set the tone for the rest of the week. Lay led. Please enter through the south doors of the Sanctuary.


Sermons before the First Sunday of Advent Year B (12/3/2023) are located here.

More recent sermons are found on our SoundCloud

The Season After Pentecost

4th Sunday after Pentecost
Fr. Basil Price - Assisting Priest
5th Sunday after Pentecost - Here I Am
The Very Rev. Shay Craig - Dean

Other Sermons

3rd Sunday After Pentecost - A River not a Pie
The Very Rev. Shay Craig - Dean
8th Sunday after Pentecost - Viva la resistance!
The Very Rev. Shay Craig - Dean
9th Sunday after Pentecost - Unearned Grace
The Rev. Basil Price - Assisting Priest
Transfiguration A: The Miracle that is Present
The Very Rev. Shay Craig - Dean
12th Sunday after Pentecost - August 20, 2023 - The Most Frequent Prayer
The Very Rev. Shay Craig - Dean
13th Sunday after Pentecost - The Rev. Basil Price
15th Sunday after Pentecost - Who are we?
The Very Rev. Shay Craig - Dean
October 15, 2023
The Very Rev. Shay Craig - Dean
November 5, 2023 All Saints/Baptism of Clayton Powell
The Very Rev. Shay Craig - Dean
2nd Sunday After Pentecost
The Very Rev. Shay Craig
Trinity Sunday - Wellington the Rockhopper Penguin
The Very Rev. Shay Craig - Dean
Easter 2, 2023 - Easter People
The Very Rev. Shay Craig, Dean
Ash Wednesday - Prism of God
The Very Rev. Shay Craig - Dean
The Holy Hodges HydroElectrics
The Very Rev. Shay Craig - Dean
3 Lent - Remarkable
The Very Rev. Shay Craig - Dean
Pentecost A: The Sending and Blessing of Mo Catherine Cox
The Very Rev. Shay Craig - Dean
7th Sunday after Pentecost - The Sower
The Very Rev. Shay Craig - Dean
6th Sunday after Pentecost - Forgiveness
The Very Rev. Shay Craig - Dean