Cody Sanders Salina Ks 

Acrylic on canvas 

“Eyes to the soul” 2024 

Matthew 9:27-31 

They say your eyes are the window of your soul. Magnified views of eyes often resemble photos of galaxies. Here in the book of Matthew we are show a story of faith and the power over darkness. Two blind men stop Jesus and ask to be healed. They showed an immense amount of faith believing it could be done. Through that action they were the recipients of sight. No longer did they have a world of darkness but a world of color and light. 

Being a full time artist in a low populated area I rely on faith immensely for my needs. Often reminding my children that we will never have everything we want but we will always have everything we need. 

Just like these two men my son has been battling blindness in one of his eyes. At times it has improved other times it’s declined. He is getting professional care and we are holding on to faith. He has watched me work on this and we have had a few talks about what the painting represents.

As I painted I was mostly in silence with my own thoughts and reflections….

How lucky are we to be loved so much that the creator of all cosmos cares about us, his creation. The love from Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. It’s never changing and everlasting. My painting is my way of expressing this feeling of comfort and power. Through this process I’ve have taken some time to give thanks and use my abilities for worship. Im very appreciative of this project. 


The Miracles of Christ

15 miracles of Jesus interpreted by regional artists in various media

March 5 through April 18

Open to the public free of charge, by appointment

Opening and Reception Friday, March 7th from 5:30-8PM

The artists will be present at the opening and reception

Individuals and groups are welcome to visit the exhibit after the opening, by appointment. Please call Christ Cathedral at 785-827-4440 to make arrangements.

The Way of Miracles

March 5 - Friday, April 18, 2025

Call for Artist’s Submissions

What is The Way of Miracles?

Artists will create 15 pieces of visual art that respond to 15 of the miracles performed by Jesus Christ as described in Christian scripture.  These pieces will be displayed in the sanctuary of Christ Cathedral from March 5 through April 18, 2025. We are looking for thought-provoking and heart felt conversations between the miracles and the new work.

In 2024, more than 500 visitors viewed the exhibit during the six weeks of Lent. More than half of those visits were by appointment. Salina and surrounding communities showed intense interest in the exhibit.  

Artist’s Responsibilities

Reserve three miracles that you find interesting. Only one will be assigned to you.

Deliver your work to Christ Cathedral by January 6, 2025.

Provide a written response to the miracle assigned, as well as a short bio for the printed exhibit catalogue. Also include dimensions, medium, and title (if any) of your work.

Attend the opening reception, staying near your work and interacting with visitors.

Cathedral’s Responsibilities

Host opening reception and private viewing opportunities.

Publicize the artists and exhibit in local media and social media. As part of the cathedral’s commitment to promoting the arts in Salina, each week of Lent several artists and pieces will be featured on the cathedral social media and website.

Provide security. The exhibit space will remain locked at all times when there is no direct supervision of the works. Any time visitors are in the cathedral outside of worship services, there will be a docent on site.

The Miracles

John 2:1-11

The Wedding at Cana

Mark 2:1-12 (Matt 9:1-8, Luke 5:17-26)

Jesus Heals a Paralytic

Matthew 8:23-27 (Mark 4:35-41, Luke 8:22-25)

Jesus Stills the Storm

Mark 5:1-20 (Matt 8:28-33, Luke 8:26-39)

Jesus Heals a Man Possessed by Demons

Matthew 9:18, 23-26 (Mark 5:21-24,35-43, Luke 8:40-42, 49-56)

A Girl Restored to Life and a Woman Healed

Matthew 14:13-21 (Mark 6:30-44, Luke 9:10-17, John 6:1-15)

Feeding the Five Thousand

John 6:16-21 (Matt 14:22-33, Mark 6:45-52)

Jesus Walks on the Water

Mark 6:53-56 (Matt 14:34-36)

Healing the Sick in Gennesaret

Matthew 17:24-27

Jesus and the Temple Tax

Luke 13:10-17

Jesus Heals a Crippled Woman

Luke 17:11-19

Jesus Cleanses Ten Men with a Skin Disease

John 11:17-45

The Death of Lazarus

Matthew 21:18-22 (Mark 11:12-14)

Jesus Curses the Fig Tree

John 21:4-11

Jesus and the Large Catch of Fish

Submission Guidelines

Each miracle will be represented by only one piece of art and one artist. Please select three miracles, ranked in order of preference (see The Miracles of Jesus section below). Email your selections to We will try to make assignments as requests come in but assignments are on a first-come, first served basis

Art work may be any 2D or 3D medium and should reflect an interpretation or response to the scripture associated with the miracles. Entries can be new or existing work.

Minimum width is 10”, not including frame. Maximum width is 42”, not including frame. There is no vertical maximum. Smaller pieces may be mounted on neutral colored panels in order to visually separate them from the rough stone walls. Sculpture is limited to pieces that fit on pedestals or that can be hung (assemblages in shallow boxes, for example). Contact the cathedral to inquire about displaying sculpture. 

Artwork must be gallery ready, wired for hanging. No sawtooth hangers. 2D work must be framed or wrapped (paint wraps around edges of stretcher and no bare canvas is visible).

Your art work is only one-half of the product you must provide. The other half is a written response to the miracle you are assigned. THIS WRITTEN RESPONSE IS NOT AN ARTIST’S STATEMENT. It should be an explanation of your emotional/intellectual/spiritual reaction to the assigned scripture, and how this reaction lead to the work you created. This written response will appear in the catalogue handed to visitors looking at the exhibit.

Artists should keep in mind that they will be creating work for a public worship space used by families. Provocative images are not necessarily out of bounds but should be presented thoughtfully. The Cathedral Arts Committee can refuse any submission.

Contact the church office if you have questions or would like to see the exhibit space. 

Important Dates

Anytime – Artists can arrange to see the exhibit space anytime by calling the cathedral office.

July 1, 2024 – Last day to bid on three (3) miracles. 

No later than July 16, 2024 --  Artists are notified which miracles they are assigned. 

December 31, 2024 -- Photograph of work and an artist’s response due. Send an email to Artist’s response is required. This is NOT a statement of work practice but an explanation of your emotional/intellectual/spiritual response to the miracle that lead to the work you created. It will appear in the exhibit catalogue. Also due, a two-sentence biography.

January 6, 2025 --  Last day for work to be received at the cathedral offices, 138 South 8th St., Salina Kansas, 9am-11am. Contact  Crissy at the cathedral office to arrange delivery outside office hours. 

March 5, 2025 – Exhibit opens.

March 7, 2025 --  Artists’ reception in Christ Cathedral,  5-7 p.m. Artists must attend reception to engage visitors. This day is a First Friday art walk for downtown Salina so artists are on display as much as their art.

April 18, 2025 – Show ends. After this date, artists can pick up their pieces at the cathedral office 9-11 a.m., Monday-Friday. Or call to make arrangements to retrieve work after office hours.


Christ Cathedral office: 785-827-4440, 138 South 8th St., Salina KS.,

Steve Hoffman, Art Committee: 785-502-0099,

Wayne DeBey, Art Committee: 785-827-6693,

Marcy Roth, Art Committee: 785-452-1063,

Check out the photos from last year’s wonderful event!

Scroll Down!

A heart for the city

Christ Cathedral has a heart for the city of Salina and its surrounding communities. These communities have been blessed by God with abundant talents in the arts - fine arts such as paintings and drawings, sculpture, music, story-telling and dance. It is our privilege to share those arts free of charge to the community as often as we are able. We offer spaces for performances and recitals, concerts, exhibits and shows.

We have a space for one-person exhibits, as well as a wonderful visual and acoustic space. All we ask is that the art displayed be tasteful (this is a family worship space) and Christian (it is a church!) or secular subject to the review of the Arts Committee.

For information on using our space or participating in an Artists’ Way Exhibit, please contact the office.

This sunrise is the work of artist Debbie Wagner,

The Exhibit Grand Opening

Friday, February 16, 5:30-8PM

This opening will premier the 14 artist interpretations of the stations of the cross in the Cathedral’s Sanctuary.

The artists will be present to comment on their work, and there will be guide books which include the scripture and the artist’s reflection.

Cathedral Director of Music Nancy Bauer will offer an organ recital at 7:30PM.

The Artists Way of the Cross

Within the walls of this historic worship space are hung 14 unique and marvelous pieces reflecting the last few moments of Jesus of Nazareth.

The artists are among central Kansas’ most well respected and beloved. Varied in their styles and approaches, each one has brought their own lens to these sacred texts, layering the pieces with personal experience, an awareness of the sacredness of the subject and the brilliant talent for which each of these artists are known.

The exhibit will be displayed on the walls in the Sanctuary of Christ Cathedral in Salina Kansas from Friday February 16 through Saturday March 30, 2024.

The “Way of the Cross”, also called “the Stations of the Cross”, is primarily a walking prayer.  Each station represents an episode in the narrative of the last moments of Christ’s life. We walk, as Christ did, from the taking up of the cross, through the stumbling, the kindness of strangers, and their cruelty.  We walk, literally, from one moment to the next, and at each station we pray. We walk, usually in a circle, in the case of this Cathedral, around the walls of the room.  It is an emotional journey, a humbling journey and a cathartic journey.  When we arrive at the end, we are physically feet away from where we started, but our hearts are in a whole new place.

The exhibit will be in place from Friday, Feb 16 - Saturday, March 30.

Please call to make arrangements to see this once-in-a-lifetime collection: 785-376-2000

How can I visit the exhibit?

Hours outside of the opening by appointment: 785-376-2000

Self Directed Tours: You are welcome to come as an individual or group to visit the exhibit in a self directed tour. The Artists Way of the Cross has a gorgeous booklet that includes the moment in the life of Jesus that is represented, a reflection by the artist on their own piece, and more information on the piece itself. This is a great way to see the pieces at your leisure.

Please call to arrange for a time to visit: 785-376-2000

Educators Artists and Small Groups: You can arrange for a tour with one of the artists present, please call and make arrangements: 785-376-2000

During Sunday Worship: The exhibit will be on display during regular Lenten and Easter services between Friday, February 16 and Saturday, March 30. Regular Sunday services are at 10AM.

Good Friday, Stations of the Cross Liturgy, March 29 at Noon: This will be an exceptional way to move through the exhibit that incorporates the setting in a unique way. We will talk the stations as a group at noon and following the service, the Cathedral will remain open for contemplation and silent viewing of the exhibit. Visit the Holy Week tab on this website for more information.

The Stations