Serving Outside Our Doors
Welcome Table
In this way, we take Jesus’ words literally.
Christ Cathedral provides a freshly homemade, hot lunch to anyone who needs it three days a week. Working with Salina Grace, we provide thousands of meals a year, no questions asked.
You can help with this ministry by:
Volunteering to serve (11:15-12 daily)
Providing for a Special Meal (Thanksgiving, Christmas or Easter)
Offering financial support.
Email us for more information
What if we could work together to eliminate food insecurity in Salina, Kansas?

Because dignity is not a privilege, it is a right.
Every day, youth in the Salina school system “age out” of the foster care system. As a result, they may experience houselessness, food insecurity, and lack access to basic self care and hygiene.
“Helpings” are individual bags with 1-3 days of shelf stable food, or hygiene essentials. They are provided to anyone who asks, but working with volunteers in the school system, we hope to directly address the needs of this vulnerable group.
In addition to these “helpings”, we offer assistance on a case by case basis to provide household items, clothing and other necessities.
You can join the ECW Fairy Godmothers in packing these bags, donating their contents or financially supporting this ministry.
Email us for more information.
Serving Within Our Walls
During the service, nay member of the community is welcome to read from the Scripture at either the high lectern or the Incarnation Lectern. Intercessors read The Prayers of the People from the aisle. All readers and intercessors are trained by the clergy so they are confident. This is a great way to start volunteering!
Greeters have the important job of making sure that every person who coms in the door feels welcomed. Each person is greeted individually, by name if we know them. They are offered a bulletin, more information if requested. Visitors or first timers are often seated with someone to help them through the service.
Ushers also count the congregation for the clergy an bring forward the elements when requested by the clergy. Greeters pass the collection plate and bring that forward at the appointed time and indicate to the clergy if anyone wishes to take communion in their seat.
Like all volunteers, Greeters are trained by the clergy until they feel confident and ready.
Altar Servers: Chalice Bearers and Acolytes
There are two ways to serve at the altar:
Chalice bearers process forward at the beginning of the service and sit behind the rail. They may be asked to hold the Bible when the Gospel is proclaimed. They will help distribute wine during communion either with chalice of the individual cups.
The Acolyte carries the cross in processional, rings the bells during communion and helps the Deacon of the Mass to set and clear the altar. They may be called upon to serve the wine as needed.
Vestry is the oversight committee that serves in co-leadership with the Dean on the day-to-day running of the Cathedral. Our Vestry is a “working” Vestry, meaning that each member chooses his/her assignment for a year and works on projects that matter to them. Vestry members are members i god standing at the Cathedral and elected to three year terms at the Annual Meeting.