Welcome to
Christ Cathedral
The Episcopal Church in Salina, Kansas
The church in the
heart of the city
with a
heart for the city
Come and See on Sundays at 10AM
Service of Holy Eucharist with beautiful music, childcare, Sunday School and coffee hour to follow
And Saturdays at 5PM
A peaceful, spoken service (no music) of Holy Eucharist, enter through the north door of the Cathedral
Morning Prayer
Wednesdays at 8:30AM
Please enter through the south door of the Cathedral
How to find us….
We are located between 8th and 9th streets, just a half block south of Iron. Please park in the public parking lot directly across the street on 8th. Parking for persons with limited mobility is available immediately north of the church.

What to Expect
Where do I go?
There are three entrances to the Cathedral: a south door accessed from the courtyard, a north door, which features a ramp access, and the main “front” door on the east side of the building. You can park in the lot due east of the front doors or immediately north of the building.
What do I do?
Someone will likely greet you when you enter and hand you a small booklet called a “bulletin.” Everything you need to follow the service is in that booklet. Sit where you wish, there are no bad seats in God’s house. Restrooms are in the hall to the left of the pulpit.
Service begins at 10AM but friends begin arriving as early at 9:45. The lovely organ music begins about ten minutes before the service. And if you come late, please do not hesitate to enter through any door. We are glad to see you whenever you get here!
Where should I sit?
The first few times you attend church in the Cathedral you may wish to sit in the main area - that will enable you to easily see the Eucharist at the altar. Once you get acclimated, you may find you are more comfortable on one side (or “transept”) or the other. Take your time, find your place. There are no bad seats in God’s house.
What should I wear?
Whatever you are comfortable in. Some people have a “Sunday Best” that gives them joy, some wear jeans and a tee shirt. The priest has to dress basically like an upholstered chair. Jesus wore sandals.
Can I take Communion?
YES. All are welcome at God’s table. If you wish to come forward for communion, simply follow the people ahead of you. You may receive bread only or bread and wine. Let the priest know if you would like a gluten free option. You can also come forward for a blessing by crossing your hands on your chest. Or stay in your seat during communion. Whatever is comfortable for you.
Stand, Sit or Kneel?
You may see people bowing slightly when they enter or crossing themselves during the service. None of this is required, whether you do it or not, you are not wrong. We will stand during some parts of the service and sit or kneel during others. The bulletin will suggest what you may do, but do what is comfortable for you.
Kids and Youth
Kids and youth of every age, energy level and decibel count are welcome in the sanctuary throughout the service. There are special bulletins just for our youngest guests as well as “busy bags” to amuse them. If you would like childcare, please contact us in advance and we can make arrangements. Sunday school meets directly after church - visit the tab on this page for more information.
If you would like to worship in peace and quiet, orderliness and solemnity, please consider attending the 5PM Service on Saturdays.
Coffee Hour
We gather after church in the parish hall - follow the walkways south to the building with the windows - or follow the hungry looking people. Please join us, we would love to know what brought you in and love to have you join in criticizing (or complimenting) the Dean’s sermon.
Sermons and Services
You can hear the most recent sermons on our SoundCloud and see recent services on our YouTube channel and tune in on Sundays there as well. Older sermons are found on the Worship tab of this page.
Persons with limited mobility are invited to park in the lot directly north of the church.. Audio enhancements are available, please ask an usher, and large print bulletins are available as well. If you would prefer to have communion brought to you, please let an usher know!

The Episcopal Church Welcomes You
We Episcopalians believe in a loving, liberating, and life-giving God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. As constituent members of the Anglican Communion in the United States, we are descendants of and partners with the Church of England and the Scottish Episcopal Church, and are part of the third largest group of Christians in the world.
We believe in following the teachings of Jesus Christ, whose life, death, and resurrection saved the world.
We have a legacy of inclusion, aspiring to tell and exemplify God’s love for every human being; women and men serve as bishops, priests, and deacons in our church. Laypeople and clergy cooperate as leaders at all levels of our church. Leadership is a gift from God, and can be expressed by all people in our church, regardless of sexual identity or orientation.
We believe that God loves you – no exceptions.